In the United States region, Florida's state is located that is framed by the boundary of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico at the southeastern side. The capital of this state is Tallahassee as well. It is considered the most populated state and has a population of almost 22 million. This state has almost 700-800 keys ‘Florida Keys’ that have their own culture and freedom of living but one of the most famous Florida Keys is Key West. The other name of Key West is conch republic key west a micronation with a long history.
In 1982, the micronation conch republic key west got separated from the United States, because when the United States added a clause for key west people to pay the food tax they refused it. The United States put up barriers and blocked all the roads of Florida, even though they rejected the plea of the mayor of Key West since they decided to separate themselves from the United States.
The Conch Republic Key West History

Conch republic key west got freedom from the united nation in April 1982, all this happened when the United States refused to accept any plea of the key west so the key west mayor in his address to media announced that they are now free from the United State. This all started when Key West people refused to pay the food tax and preferred to eat conch than pay tax, their nation name conch republic is also driven from it, however, key west people are proud of this nickname.
Conch republic key west flag has its own history which states 1828 and five stars, this flag was revealed right after the separation of key west from the united states. KEy west people do have two citizenships, one is American and the other is for the conch republic key west, as well if the person is native of United States then the passport is not a big deal for them if they are visiting Conch republic key west, however, people must have their passport if they are planning to visit conch republic key west.
Board Approves the Redevelopment of the key west new town -is this true?
The conch republic key west’s board comes up with an agreement on the changing and redeveloping of the key west new town. This development is agreed with the Spotswood companies to give them five years extensive duration to rebuild the key west new town. As well, the construction company did the conch train station tour and planned to demolish it to make a hotel of 450 rooms, many apartments with bars and restaurants. As well, the planning board also urges the company to change the entrance of Key West, so that everyone entering Key West through this entrance must also feel that they are in Key West.
There was a long list of alternations in the station as well, restaurants must be of specific seats of about 250 and many housing apartments with retail space. But, the planning board decided to stop the world except for the housing apartments.

However, after discussing all the things the board plans to arrange another meeting so that everyone will share their opinion and changes they want in it. In January, the Building Permit Allocation System wanted to change the plan so the city staff put forward another idea to enhance the growth but this idea was rejected in early 2008.
After this, few changes were made in that proposal as it was assigned to the administration. The board also pleaded and voted for the change in the proposal as well. It must be implemented, but the department of Community affairs decided to make slight changes in the plan.
The department of community affairs also directed the city planning staff to thoroughly review the city plan and do some changes accordingly. Hence, it was decided that not all the stations will be demolished but a few changes must be done according to the rules and regulations.